What's New?

​This is the Arte Divino Studio & Ateliér blog where you can find out anything and everything and especially What's New with Mauricio Arcesio and his Ateliér.

Travelling and studying and tasting of life's offerings here and there fills up my soul with the Joy and Love of Life and the Universe, and when that happens, you'll always find new offerings here in art and thought.​

​Come on in and see What's New !!

A Brand New Day....

It's a brand new day in Arte Divino's life; welcome to the new Arte Divino Studio & Ateliér !!

If you were a fan of the old artedivino.com or familiar with our old site, thanks for being with us all these years - and we're still here and letting you know about the bigger better more modern Arte Divino Studio & Ateliér. We hate to see the original site go, but here at the new artedivino.com you'll be able to enjoy the artwork much better - totally bigger better and more vibrant and present, and also mobile friendly. Visit us on your mobile device or tablet:!

Check in here often for news and info and for what's going on here. Drop us a line on our Contact page to let us know about how we're doing and what you'd like to see.

Let be the future:
mind the present need
and leave the rest to
whom the rest concerns…
Present tasks claim our care:
the ordering of the future
rests where it should rest.
— -- Sophocles (496-406 B.C.) Greek Playwright